Famous people and significant events in special venues

Chancelier Angela Merkel started 2017 with a meeting at THE EGG BRUSSELS in January

She received a joint honorary doctorate from KU Leuven and Ghent University for her diplomatic and political efforts to develop the political strenght of Europe, and to defend the values that allow our continent to find unity in diversity. 

( © KU Leuven – Rob Stevens)

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The recent BELGIAN SPORT GALA at WILD GALLERY rewarded, among others, Belgian athletes Nafissatou Thiam (heptathlon) and Greg Van Avermaet (road cycling) 

They were both crowned at the Olympic Games in Rio in 2016.

 (© Belga)

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Politicians Guy Verhofstadt, Alexander De Croo and many other attended the INTERNATIONAL PRESS CENTRE | RESIDENCE PALACE 15th birthday

They have stressed the importance of this home par excellence for journalists, policymakers, spokesmen and communication experts. Eager to know what they have said?

(© Int. Press Centre)


EVENT LOUNGE just supported renowned charity events for medical research and child aid programmes

With the organisation of the Belgian Kids’ Fund for Pediatric Research and the Gala Evening of Hope for Bordet.

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