2017 Perspectives: Ready to take your events to new heights?

Season’s greetings from everyone at Brussels Special Venues! 

We would like to thank you all for yet another amazing year of exceptional events. 

Strength in unity

Over the last ten years, our non-profit organization has developed steadily upwards with a solid economic growth, but this last year we surpassed ourselves and showed our strongest upswing yet, with an impressive increase of 25% in venues memberships.


Our association’s mission is to keep Brussels at the forefront of the events sector, and we are committed to continuing our contribution to your organization’s growth by maintaining the highest standards of quality to ensure the success of your events. 

When a major event is taking place in Brussels, it is quite often in one of our venues!

The majority of special event venues in Brussels are members of BSV. We are proud to be the leading non-profit event venues association in Brussels and an influential community. Together with our strategic partner Visit Brussels, we are changing the dynamics in the meeting and events industry in Brussels!

A Strong direction towards advice, opinions, and views

In 2017, we will take our services to a new level. Our messages will nurture you with event solutions!

OK but concretely, what we will be talking about in 2017? 

 True stories, interviews and testimonials from people whose innovations are adding new dimensions to our industry and to Brussels!

 Brussels reigns over rapidly expanding sectors – activities such as: Life sciences & bio-pharma, ICT & technology, green & clean tech, creative industries & media, and business services.

 Why Brussels is the foremost international associations city in the world! The activity these sectors generate is constantly increasing. Their total expenditure amounts to €2.9 billion, of which 84% was spent in Belgium (56% was laid out on personnel, with an estimated direct employment of31.400 people!). The city is also going ahead in this sector with the newly created Association Bureau, a one-stop shop and single point of contact for associations and the Global Association Hubs Partnership.

 There is so much so going on within our walls, and we want share with you the unmissable events taking place here – who attended, from where, and how they did it – TO INSPIRE YOU.

What else? Discover the hottest event trends for 2017 

Looking to increase participation in your events and for stakeholder engagement? Today, we would like to share with you this interesting paper on the hottest event trends for 2017 and beyond: While technology is still an integral part of the event mix, venues, social media and event design are elements that cannot be overlooked. It is written by Julius Solaris, the editor of Event Manager Blog and an influential individual in the Meeting Industry.

Click here to download « Event trends for 2017 »

We would love to hear from you ! 


Tell us more about you. Are there any specific topics you would like to see discussed? Send us an email.

We wish you a prosperous 2017, and we look forward to welcoming you this year at our special venues! 

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