IMPRESS your guests WITH exceptional cars never presented together so far.

The “American Dream Cars and Bikes, the Golden Years” exhibition at Autoworld will relive that American automobile era in all its splendour, when constructors rivalled for imagination and at times… eccentricity.

The “American Dream Cars and Bikes, the Golden Years” exhibition at Autoworld will relive that American automobile era in all its splendour, when constructors rivalled for imagination and at times… eccentricity.

The American Dream Cars and Bikes exhibition at Autoworld is opening its doors for your events. A perfect opportunity to invite your customers, partners, employees and their families to an exclusive exhibition.
Seized with emotion, your guests will be close to exceptional cars never presented together so far.


Detail of the event packages: Exhibition entrance fee, reception space, hostesses, cloakroom and security service, catering of your choice after the visit, presence of a person in charge for the coordination.

Price range from 90 €/pp to 160 €/pp

For more information, contact Autoworld