Technology, modernity and sustainability, to fit seamlessly into your event strategy
BSV member venues include many historic event spaces, a mix of cultural heritage, museums and even some monuments. BLUEPOINT BRUSSELS Meet. Work. Tech. is a purpose-built modern building.
We asked Barbara Sauter, sales & marketing manager, where BLUEPOINT fits into the range of Brussels Special Venues.
BLUEPOINT Meet. Work. Tech. stands for innovation.
As a subsidiary of Agoria, the Belgian Technology Federation, our venue invests in the most recent technological equipment and the latest event trends to make the life of event organizers easier and get their audience more connected.
You could say that our venue is a plug and play solution for every business event and that what makes it so special in Brussels!

This is an event venue equipped with its own IT and AV solutions. What are the advantages?
A venue that has its own material and tech team under the same roof is indeed quite rare. The main advantage of this in a venue like BLUEPOINT is that it integrates smoothly with all aspects of any event and ensures a successful production.

New meeting technologies such as live streaming are key in extending the reach of meetings and can no longer be ignored. What is your opinion?
Indeed, live streaming (or webcasting) is one of the in-house solutions we offer, which reaches a wide audience, across the globe, who can participate in real time.
An event organized in our venue can easily be transmitted live on the internet from our platform.
Participants who are abroad or prevented from physically participating in an event can still follow it and see and hear the speakers via a fully personalized and secured internet page.
They can interact by typing questions, which are then handled by the event moderator in the room. The online audience is thus very actively connected.
Live streaming is definitely the choice for effective online broadcasting designed for inclusive corporate communication.
What is the main advantage?
Conference live streaming is being used more and more, which not only helps International associations extend their reach, but also reduces travel costs as well as limiting their event’s ecological footprint.

And as other advantages?
– Video access to an unlimited number of people in real time.
– The ability to communicate with a much larger, global audience.
– Almost any device can be used without the need to download anything in advance.
– Allows both live and on-demand access to messages (so, regardless of location, time zone or working hours, people can view the same content).
– Online viewers can actively participate: ask questions, answer polls and surveys or make comments to the presenter.
– Last but not least, the event can also be recorded for later viewing.
Our platform makes it possible to edit the recording into sections, speaker by speaker, as the conference proceeds, so the recording is immediately available without needing
further editing.
But how can event venues approach sustainability in a way that shows real environmental improvement and that is not just greenwashing?
Simply by prioritizing action over rhetoric:
1. Labels: Brussels is the worldwide champion for important sustainability certification and labels such as “Green Key”, “Eco-Dynamic Enterprise” and “EMAS“. I am proud to say that BLUEPOINT Brussels has the internationally recognized label “Green Key”. This quality label has existed since 1994 and to achieve it, a venue must meet strict criteria regarding energy and water consumption. Additionally it must meet numerous requirements in terms of maintenance and catering. Communication is also monitored by “Green Key”. Raising awareness among users is mandatory.

2. Suppliers, beyond event tech: We realised that organisations pay extra attention to sustainable event catering. We cater in-house, which has many advantages such as:
– promoting local and seasonal products
– offering a wide range of vegetarian and fair trade options
– helping our customers to avoid no-shows. Inevitably there are some, but we can avoid waste by relying on charity programmes and the correct processing of organic waste.
The facts
Twenty comfortable rooms, a huge event terrace and garden, trendy and sustainable catering, two in-house restaurants, and state-of-the art audio-visual facilities gives an attractive all-in-one package for every type of event with up to 500 participants.
Contact, capacity chart and description
Event technology at a glance and available on-site: From 3D Mapping to digital flipcharts, entertaining device for Q&As or the BLUEPOINT event app, BLUEPOINT offers many intelligent, smart, connecting and sustainable solutions that will improve your event’s efficiency!
BLUEPOINT’s blog on technology and how they can improve the efficiency of your eveNT