Sustainable venues, environmental certifications, and your event: how to find one’s way?
Green-up your event: choose a sustainable venue with an environmental certificate
Planet earth is in crisis and cannot wait any longer: help lead the way by demonstrating to your event participants, your members, and your stakeholders that you can organise a successful, but sustainable and eco-friendly event held in a sustainable venue with subcontractors who are focused on minimising the corporate footprint.
Brussels in the top 10 sustainable destinations:
you’ve knocked at the right door!
Brussels is not lagging behind in respect of the environment and, according to the 2018 Global Destination Sustainability (GDS) report, is in the top 10 sustainable destinations worldwide for meetings and events.

A vast majority of Brussels Event Venues are considered front runners in the quest for sustainability and have won and held multiple recognised and sought-after environmental certifications or labels.
Green Key, EMAS, ISO 20121, Ecodynamic Event Venue…
Evaluating environmental efforts and trying to make sense of all the different certifications is not always easy, and can’t be dealt with in 20 minutes.So we have done it for you!
Download table | Comparison between theoretical & practical values from certifications and labels
Now let’s prioritise action over rhetoric
You have a social and economic responsibility. Fortunately for the planet, more and more Brussels Special Venues are part of this global sustainability dynamic.
Choose one of them: